lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen para black rhino
The species was first named Rhinoceros bicornis by Carl Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema naturae in 1758. The name means "double-horned rhinoceros".

Together with equids (horses, zebras and asses) and tapirs, rhinos are the only surviving members of an ancient and formerly diverse group of ungulates, which originated in the Eocene around 50 million years ago. The ancestors of the black and white rhinos reached Africa about 10 million years ago, at the end of the Miocene. The black rhino diverged from the white rhino between four and five million years ago, and is considered to be the more primitive of the two. It is the only species in the genus Diceros.

Main Features

Resultado de imagen para black rhinoThe black rhino is smaller than the white rhino, although adults can still reach 1.5 metres in height and weigh in at 1.4 tonnes.

The species is distinguished from the white rhino by a prehensile upper lip (hence the alternative name of hook-lipped rhino), which it uses to feed on twigs of woody plants and a variety of herbaceous plants. They have a particular liking for acacias.

The front horn is the longer of the two horns, averaging 50cm in length.

Resultado de imagen para black rhino habitatHabitat &

Most African rhinos are found in just four countries – South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya – where they mainly roam grassland and open savannah. 
These armoured giants are vegetarian and need to eat large amounts of food every day.

Causes of extinction

Poaching and lack of conservation have made a subspecies of Afica’s black rhino extinct.

Resultado de imagen para black rhino habitat

Sources of information: 

  • Conjure up: to bring something such as a feeling or memory to your mind.
  • Affectionate: having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender.
  • Panacea: a remedy for all ills or difficulties.
  • Ailments: a physical disorder or illness, especially of a minor or chronic nature.
  • Brink: a crucial or critical point, especially of a situation or state beyond which success or catastrophe occurs.
  • Poaching: the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission.
  • Teetering: To alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions; vacillate/ to be close to or in danger of failure or ruin.
  • Hence: as an inference from this fact; for this reason; therefore.
  • Rebounded: to increase or improve after a recent decrease or decline.
  • Ungulates: having hooves/ of or relating to the ungulates.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015



The day of the dead has recently passed, one of the most important traditions here in Mexico celebrated on November 2nd . Thinking about this particular tradition, I think it stills being so important because of the impact that generates not only on us as Mexicans but in foreign people as well; since what the tradition is about is remembering the people who were valuable for us in our lives. We take the time to remember the things they liked and used to do in life and represent it in an altar, settling their favorite food and drinks, some of their possessions, some candy skulls, but the most important is to dedicate time to them, awaiting for their loved to come in this day and try once more what they used to love.

Another tradition that I think needs a boost it's the Kukur Tihar from Nepal.

Kukur Tihar: Nepal's Day For Dogs

During day two of Tihar, Kukur Tihar, the role of dogs in human life and throughout history is celebrated. In the Rigveda, one of Hinduism’s most ancient texts, Samara -the mother of dogs - assists Indra, the ruler of heaven, in retrieving stolen cattle. Hindu tradition holds that a dog is the guardian and messenger of Yama, the lord and judge of the dead. A dog is also said to guard the gates of the afterlife. In this day people offer garlands, tika and delicious food to dogs and acknowledge the cherished relationship between humans and dogs.

festival for dogs

All dog are part of this, from those with owner to stray dogs, so even though I think dogs or animals in general should receive love always,  I find this practice really beautiful and that we should adopt.

Even if we don't share the same Hindu beliefs, I think we should take a day to appreciate the value of dogs in our lives.

Now, if I had to say a tradition that I want it to die... I'd definitely say the Gadhimai festival.  It is hard to believe but this festival takes place in Nepal as well, but what is done here is something completely opposite to the Kukur Tihar. I'll abstain from showing pictures of these because I consider them really hard to see.

The event involves the large scale sacrificial slaughter of animals including water buffaloes, pigs, goats, chickens, and pigeons.  All this horrific acts only with the goal of pleasing Gadhimai, the goddess of power. It is estimated that 500,000 animals were sacrificed during the Gadhimai festival of 2009.

Thanks to organizations who worried about animal rights, after  a lot of fight and arrangements,  there was an agreement and they got that the amount of animals killed were reduced to a 70% from the last festival in 2009. Fortunately, now it has been established that this festival won't take place anymore, at least not the same way; they will only dedicate to have a peaceful celebration. In a victory for activists, Nepalese temple authorities have announced they will end a centuries-old Hindu tradition of mass animal slaughter that attracted hundreds of thousands of worshippers.

For more information about Kukur Tihar: Nepal’s Day For Dogs celebration visit:

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

The Best & The Worst Choice I've Ever Made

The Best & The Worst Choice I've Ever Made...

Thinking about things that I would like to do, there're some that I could have done If I had taken better decisions, or maybe wiser. Like, I could have taken karate courses, practiced a sport, or something like that. I'd like to know how to play an instrument, maybe if I hadn't spent so much time doing things that weren't actually productive, I could have learnt to play the piano or the guitar, I might have been really good on something if I had practiced or developed it, maybe I could have been a good dancer... or maybe not haha. These are simple things but that could make me happier, even though I had great moments of happiness in my childhood. Well, if I think of the best choice I've made:
... I might say to move with my dad... or, maybe since I like to help others, mostly animals, I think that has helped a lot, it makes me somehow more human. If I hadn't spent time helping to those I worry for, maybe I could have bought a lot of things I wanted, but somehow this fills me up more than what I could have bought.

Anyways, I still can do some things that I want if I dedicate the time and attention that it deserves.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Why is it hard for people to be happy?

Why is it hard for people to be happy?

A question that some of us regularly think.  Why is it so hard to accept the good things we have in our lives? Maybe cause we're always wanting more, and it's not bad; we want good things to happen to us, but sometimes expecting too much from others or even of oneself can lead you to a constant disappointment. Ok, this is looking pretty depressing.
What I'm trying to say it's that maybe we should only worry of being nice with others; not all the time cause it's impossible to always be in a good mood when you're kind of blue... but if we tried to cheer someone up instead of getting them down  it'd be easier. If we started from doing the things we like, the simple things that make us feel good, like chatting with a friend, going out alone or with someone to a new place, watching your favorite shows, listening the music you like... that kind of things; everyone would be more cheerful, we would regret less things.
We should take a moment to think: what are the things that make me happy? and start doing some of them everyday. Do something nice for you and someone else.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

My Hero..?

My Hero..? Let me tell you some things about an important person who I think has inspired a lot of persons around the world,and thanks to him, great things have started...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, best known as Mahatma Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India.  He was a political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.  

He's one of the most famous leaders for justice in the world because of his firm belief in non-violence, that's the reason why he was followed by others important civil rights leaders, such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.  

He studied law because of his parents who wanted him to become a barrister (a type of lawyer), so he went to London, England, and three years later he returned to India to work for an Indian firm, then he moved to South Africa to work in the law office. And it was there where he would experience racial discrimination directed to Indians, so he would begin his work in civil rights.

I would consider him a hero, because of his beliefs that not matter if everything seems to be against you, you have the power to succeed in whatever you want, but most important it's to do it in the right way, thinking in others and not only you.

 You have the power to achieve your goals, it just depends on you.