miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

The Best & The Worst Choice I've Ever Made

The Best & The Worst Choice I've Ever Made...

Thinking about things that I would like to do, there're some that I could have done If I had taken better decisions, or maybe wiser. Like, I could have taken karate courses, practiced a sport, or something like that. I'd like to know how to play an instrument, maybe if I hadn't spent so much time doing things that weren't actually productive, I could have learnt to play the piano or the guitar, I might have been really good on something if I had practiced or developed it, maybe I could have been a good dancer... or maybe not haha. These are simple things but that could make me happier, even though I had great moments of happiness in my childhood. Well, if I think of the best choice I've made:
... I might say to move with my dad... or, maybe since I like to help others, mostly animals, I think that has helped a lot, it makes me somehow more human. If I hadn't spent time helping to those I worry for, maybe I could have bought a lot of things I wanted, but somehow this fills me up more than what I could have bought.

Anyways, I still can do some things that I want if I dedicate the time and attention that it deserves.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Why is it hard for people to be happy?

Why is it hard for people to be happy?

A question that some of us regularly think.  Why is it so hard to accept the good things we have in our lives? Maybe cause we're always wanting more, and it's not bad; we want good things to happen to us, but sometimes expecting too much from others or even of oneself can lead you to a constant disappointment. Ok, this is looking pretty depressing.
What I'm trying to say it's that maybe we should only worry of being nice with others; not all the time cause it's impossible to always be in a good mood when you're kind of blue... but if we tried to cheer someone up instead of getting them down  it'd be easier. If we started from doing the things we like, the simple things that make us feel good, like chatting with a friend, going out alone or with someone to a new place, watching your favorite shows, listening the music you like... that kind of things; everyone would be more cheerful, we would regret less things.
We should take a moment to think: what are the things that make me happy? and start doing some of them everyday. Do something nice for you and someone else.